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Activity feed

Get a quick overview of the most important events in your workspace.

Triin Kallas avatar
Written by Triin Kallas
Updated over a week ago

Activity Feed gives you a quick overview of the most important events in your workspace.
You will see it on the left-hand side of the screen in the navigation section.

The activity feed will show you the following updates:

  • New candidates with scores above the threshold

  • Summary of daily candidates

  • New tests added by you or your team members

  • New templates added to the test library

  • New skills added to the test library

  • Tips on how to make the best use of Toggl Hire

Above the Activity Feed, you will also see, "Jobs." The jobs section on the left will allow you to easily navigate between jobs that are important to you.

A max of 5 jobs will be displayed. Any bookmarked jobs will be prioritized first and then the most recently created ones in descending order. The βž• symbol will open the Test Library where you can create a new test.

If there are more events or updates you'd like to see displayed on the Activity Feed, please send your requests to your account manager or

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