Evaluation algorithm
Each of your questions has a maximum amount of points a candidate can receive for it.
For example, if a numeric input question has maximum 3 points and the candidate answers it correctly, they receive 3 points.
When calculating the test score, answers to questions are evaluated and for each answer two values are set:
Maximum score: the highest amount of points the candidate can receive for the answer
Obtained score: the amount of points the candidate received for the answer
The test score is then calculated as obtained points divided by maximum points.
How are different question types evaluated?
Free text and code input
If no answer is given:
The answer is included in the overall test score, but given zero points.If an answer is given:
The answer is not included in the overall test score, until it is manually evaluated.Once the answer is manually evaluated:
The answer becomes included in the test score.
Single choice and picture choice
If the correct option is selected:
Candidate receives full points.If any other option, or no option is selected:
Candidate receives zero points.
Multiple choice
For each correctly chosen option 1 mark is added
For each incorrectly chosen option half a mark is taken
If the total number of marks is less than 0, the answer receives no points. But if the total number of marks is more than 0, the number of marks is divided by the number of correct options and multiplied by the maximum points for the question.
Numeric input
If the answer is correct
Candidate receives full points.If the answer is incorrect
Candidate receives zero points.
More details on how Multiple choice questions are evaluated:
The equation used is: points x [(number of correct options chosen) - 0.5 x (number of incorrect options chosen)] / (number of correct options)
If only incorrect options are chosen, then the candidate will not get a negative score. It will be zero.
The reason we take points away for incorrect answers more than non-selected answers is to make sure candidates don't select every option available without consequences. If this wasn't the case, selecting all options would result in answering a question with 100% accuracy because all correct answers would be selected.
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